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Travel Tips for The Summer- Brought to You By Doctor Frankel | Toledo Dentist News

Jon Frankel Dentistry

It’s Memorial Day weekend. The kickoff to summer. Kids are off of school and many of us plan our summer vacations. Here are a few tips to help with your packing before you travel.


1.) Check-It! 

It is time to get a 6 month check-up, get it before you travel to ensure that your mouth, teeth and gums are healthy and that you have a beautiful Frankel Smile in all those pictures that you take. Also, by getting your routine check-up you ensure that your mouth is healthy and that small problem are taken care of before they become big issues. It is also a great time to ask Dr. Frankel about how to avoid travelers breath or if you have any mouth sensitivity while traveling at a high altitude.


2.) Pack- It!

Don’t forget to pack your oral hygiene care. Your list should include: toothpaste, toothbrush (manual or electric- if electric don’t forget your charger), dental floss, mouth rinse, sugar free gum, plastic baggie (you don’t want your toothpaste exploding all over your clothes), disposable toothbrushes if you are traveling to a place where the water is not safe, and a toothbrush cap. **Special note about those caps- Yes, they protect your bristles, but they also breed bacteria. Be sure to take the cap off your toothbrush once you arrive at your destination.

3.) Swish-It! 

Caught somewhere without your toothbrush? Swish your mouth with water.


4.) Share-It!

Pack healthy snacks to share with your family while traveling. Bring fruits, veggies, nuts instead of candy bars and soda.

5.) Know-It!

Dental emergencies happen. Have a plan in case something occurs. Many times it is as simple as asking your hotel concierge for a recommendation in case of an emergency. This video is great for special tips in case of an emergency. Be sure to click it and watch!

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